Step By Step procedure to delete a Device or a Group
Applies to all Gen I and Gen II devices, Twinkly PRO and Twinkly Plus.
When to delete a device or group?
If you want to repeat the configuration procedure from scratch, you will need to remove it from the App's devices list.
Deleting a group, on the other hand, allows you to remove the group while keeping the individual devices in the device list.
To delete a Device or a Group, follow these steps:
Access the Device Menu
Click on the icon next to the device
Tap on the Trash icon you find on the upper right corner of the screen
Confirm the deletion
Delete device
Delete Group
Be careful, as the procedure is irreversible.
If you want to add the deleted a device or a Group of devices, if you want to create the deleted group again, you must repeat the configuration procedure by tapping on + in the upper right corner and choosing the option “Add New Device” and on “Create Group”.
Important notes:
Only the Owner of a group can delete a device or installation.
The Installer cannot delete the installation of which he is not the Owner.
If the Owner deletes a shared device or installation, it will no longer be available in the device list of the people with whom he had shared devices and installations.
Please check out this articles for more information.