Brief description of the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol and how to get more insights for your PRO installation.
Integration with the OSC protocol is only available for Twinkly PRO Power Line Controller , Twinkly PRO SPI Controller and Twinkly PRO 1500 Ethernet controller.
The Integration Interface is intended to enable third parties to control through the LAN connection any Twinkly PRO object having the Integration Interface Protocol feature enabled
In order to be controllable through the Integration Interface, a Twinkly PRO object must have been previously commissioned and configured using the Twinkly mobile App for iOS.
Brief overview
OSC protocol (open Sound Control) is an integration that allows synchronization between devices, even non-Twinkly and is mainly dedicated to large installations for which it is required communication between multiple devices, such as spotlights, music speakers, etc..
The Twinkly PRO devices do not come with the Integration Interface Protocol enabled by default.
The feature must be explicitly enabled by the user through the dedicated section in the Twinkly mobile App for iOS ( Only Twinkly PRO 1500 Ethernet Controller_TWPRO1500ETHP and Twinkly PRO Power Line Controller_TWPROCTRLPLC21 products with firmware starting from version v2.6.0) or it can be enabled remotely as a Twinkly support team service.
If you are interested in learning more about this topic, contact us and explain what your project is, we will put you in touch with the PRO Department nearest to you.