Overview of Twinkly PRO and Twinkly Plus compatibility with iOS and Android
Applie to Twinkly PRO & Twinkly Plus
What operating systems are compatible with Twinkly PRO and Twinkly Plus devices?
Twinkly PRO and Twinkly Plus offer compatibility with different operating systems to cater to a wider range of users.
Twinkly PRO: The Twinkly PRO range of devices is specifically designed to work seamlessly with iOS 13 or later. This includes both the Ethernet controller and Wi-Fi controller variants within the PRO range.
Twinkly Plus: Twinkly Plus devices are more versatile in terms of operating system compatibility. While they are fully compatible with iOS 13 or later like the Twinkly PRO range, they also extend support to Android users. Twinkly Plus devices are compatible with Android devices running version 6 or later.
What sets Twinkly Plus apart from Twinkly PRO in terms of compatibility?
Twinkly Plus stands out as a middle ground between retail models and the professional-grade Twinkly PRO range. One significant distinction lies in its compatibility with Android devices. Twinkly Plus is designed to provide a more inclusive experience, catering to Android users alongside iOS users. This proprietary design ensures that a larger audience can enjoy the innovative features and capabilities of the Twinkly Plus range, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a broader, more accessible lighting experience.
By offering compatibility with both iOS and Android operating systems, Twinkly Plus redefines the boundaries of connectivity, enhancing the user experience for a diverse range of customers.