Updating the firmware when necessary is very important for the correct functioning of your Twinkly device.
Applies to Twinkly Generation I and Generation II devices, Twinkly PRO and Twinkly Plus.
The app alerts you whenever a firmware update is available.
To update it, simply click on the alert, which you will find on the Device page or the icon in the shape of an exclamation point under firmware voice.
Please note that the firmware update procedure requires the device to be steadily, connected to the network.
Therefore, it is extremely helpful to check the connection status before starting the process (check that in the Device list you find the green dot next to the device name, and that in the Details Page, on the “network” row, you find your WI-FI’s name, or the direct network's one.).
If you are connected to your home Wi-Fi network, please move close to the router.
Furthermore, is highly recommended, to set OFF the lights (from the control panel) during all the procedure.
This brief video tutorial explains the procedure step by step: